BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2023-10-28 Sa
The beat-sweetener crowd eats the New York Times entire; Katie Martin waits for some rough slouching bond-market beast; Apple fears its internal GPT-LLM-ML team is not up to the task; Le Keqiang...
The beat-sweetener crowd eats the New York Times entire; Katie Martin waits for some rough slouching bond-market beast; Apple fears its internal GPT-LLM-ML team is not up to the task; Le Keqiang does not fall out of a window; David Karpf & Ezra Klein on the Silicon-Valley variant of neofascism; Boston Dynamics has a Principal Software Engineer for Robot Autonomy; the ultimate minimum-wage impact chart; very briefly noted; & Marinetti’s 1909 Futurist Manifesto; historical “effective” male & female population sizes; summary & review of “The Civic Bargain”, & briefly noted for 2023-10-25 We…
SubStack Notes:
Journamalism: It is official: the beat-sweetener crowd has eaten the rest of the New York Times completely. There is nothing left:
Economics: After the past month, we are all now waiting for not Godot, but rather for some rough bond-market crisis beast to come slouching along:
GPT-LLM-ML: Every single other major computer company besides Apple is stampeding to spend absolute fortunes in order to deploy raw and uncontrolled "AI" features as fast as it can. They are likely to swamp what would otherwise be small scale, tentative experiments, coming out of the startup system, perhaps to all of our detriment. And what is Apple doing?:
Central Country: Ex-Premier Li Keqiang does not fall out a window, or be taken by the arms by security and removed from the conference:
Neofascism: Dave Karpf has a nice comment on Noah Smith’s attempt to shape and tame Andreesen’s latest rant into something not-bonkers. Perhaps behind Karpf’s boiling-down of Andreesen to an attempt to assemble an entrepreneurial coalition that will die on the hill of immunity from all forms of accountability for Silicon Valley princelings is correct. One way to read Andreesen over the past 10 years is that his enthusiasm led him to become a willing cheerleader and participant in the huge sequence of pump-and-dump schemes that together made up crypto, that people—regulators, prosecutors, and many of his own investors—may be angry and coming for him, and that he needs to find allies. Perhaps that is the way to read it. Perhaps not:
Neofascism: The hallmark of a reactionary is to seek to return to some old days—when, as the saying goes, men were men and ewes were nervous. You know, back when a jar of imported fish sauce from the Black Sea did not cost more than a yoke of oxen. Ezra sees Andreesen as a collision between 1940s-style futurism—when a lone inventor could conquer the universe in his self-built ship The Skylark of Space—with loser-patriarch reactionary longing for the old days when people took real combat sports seriously—the world of Conan in which bravery and skill with a sword wins you wealth and a harem too. I am not sure this is right. But I admit I really do not know what to think of the post-crypto Andreesen we have on our hands these days:
ONE VIDEO: Boston Dynamics Eats Its ‘Shrooms:
Should I be pleased or dismayed that Boston Dynamics now has a “Principal Software Engineer for Robot Autonomy”?
ONE IMAGE: The Ultimate Minimum-Wage Impact Chart:

Very Briefly Noted:
Economics: Lauren Felner: Google paid $26 billion in 2021 to become the default search engine on browsers and phones…
Economic History: Kris James Mitchener & Gonçalo Pina: The effects of countercyclical interest rates: Evidence from the classical gold standard: ‘40 economies from 1870 to 1913. Specialization and trade integration subjected economies to a “commodity lottery” in… price fluctuations… Capital mobility and a currency peg exposed them to interest-rate movements…. We use these two exogenous shocks to identify positive effects of commodity-export prices on real GDP and the domestic price level and negative effects of exogenous changes in short-term interest rates on the same variables…. Countercyclical interest rates… stabilized both output and the domestic price level… more effective[ly] for the price level than for output…
Neofascism: Greg Sargent: ‘[New House Speaker] Mike Johnson has repeatedly pushed the ugly lie that Dems have deliberately "opened" our borders to convert "illegals" into voters. On this he's the most extreme Speaker in recent memory. I've documented many examples here. Mike Johnson has flirted with sanitized great replacement theory, hinting at an elite plot to supplant US voters with migrants. He said Dems want to turn "illegals into voters" and seek the "destruction of our country at the expense of our own people"…
War: Jeremy Stern: ‘Jake Sullivan wrote an essay for Foreign Affairs that went to print before Oct 7. For the online version that came out yesterday, they let him not just add new material but scrub the sections embarrassed by events…
Drake Bennett: In Today’s War, There’s Nowhere to Hide: ‘Armies don’t just have to know how to fight. They also need to know how to hide. Over the years, technology has made that harder and harder…. That seems to be one of the lessons military strategists are taking from the grinding war in Ukraine. “A lot of what we do,” General James Rainey, the commanding officer of the US Army Futures Command, said in a Bloomberg interview this week, “was about the enemy not seeing you or finding you”…
Global Warming: Zeke Hausfather: ‘The world has made real progress in bending down the curve of future emissions. While we remain far from on track to meet our climate goals, the positive steps we’ve made should reinforce that progress is possible and despair is counterproductive…
Mark Gongloff: ‘Nightmare’ Hurricanes Are Popping Up Out of Nowhere: ‘The massive Category 5 storm that made landfall in Mexico was just a tropical storm less than a day earlier. Climate change is starting to rob humans of even the time to prepare for such destruction…
CryptoGrifters: Dave Karpf: Why can't our tech billionaires learn anything new?: ‘On Marc Andreessen's “techno-optimist manifesto”…. The reason why people are calling for more regulation of a16z’s investments isn’t because they’ve been “told to be angry, bitter, and resentful about technology.” It’s because retail investors lost their life savings just last year by throwing cash at the Ponzi schemes that a16z was actively hawking. (Marc Andreessen should really consider taking the “have an ounce of fucking shame” challenge)
Thomas Hutcheson: Why can't our tech billionaires learn anything new?: ‘Marc Andreessen and his partners spent the past three years promoting companies like the Bored Ape Yacht Club and Axie Infinity…. Also, that “manifesto of a different time and place” is the Futurist Manifesto, written in 1909 by Italian poet F.T. Marinetti. A decade later, Marinetti would be a principal author of the Fascist Manifesto…
GPT-LLM-ML: Dan Shipper: ChatGPT Is the Best Journal I’ve Ever Used: ‘My slow and steady progression to living out the plot of the movie 'Her'…. There is something innately appealing about building a relationship with an empathetic friend that you can talk to any time…. There is also something weird about all of this. Spilling your guts to a robot somehow cheapens the experience…