3.1 The Great Depression
3.1.1 Lecture—Macro for Beginners
A history-of-economic-thought introduction to macroeconomics for beginners. Hopefully it will insulate readers against some of the stupidities we see in public discourse, and solidly ground basic truths (26:15):
3.1.2. Lecture—Setting the Stage for the Great Depression
How none of the exits from the Highway to Hell that meant that the Great Depression might have been avoided were taken (37:04):
Slides: <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/2021-09-30-lecture-3.1.2.pptx>
3.1.3. Lecture—Sliding into the Great Depression
The Great Contraction over 1929-1933, and how it was different and differentially severe in different places (24:07):
Slides: <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/2021-09-30-lecture-3.1.3.pptx>
3.1.4. Lecture—The Course of Recovery
Why recovery from the Great Depression was so extraordinarily slow and, yes, incredibly uneven and partial—up until World War II (29:54):
Slides: <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/2021-09-30-lecture-3.1.4.pptx>
3.1.5. Lecture—A Market Economy Made for (Hu)man(ity)?
Where the global north was, institutionally and intellectually, with respect to the big questions of political economy in the late 1930s and early 1940s (32:20):
Slides: <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/2021-09-30-lecture-3.1.5.pptx>
DeLong, Slouching Towards Utopia ch 7 <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/readings/2021-07-31-slouching-%23tocopyedit.pdf>
John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/readings/article-keynes-general-theory-qje.pdf (Links to an external site.)>
John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment Interest & Money, ch. 24 <https://github.com/braddelong/public-files/blob/master/readings/book-selections-keynes-general-theory-social-philosophy.pdf (Links to an external site.)