Weblogs have always been very good with keeping up with the flow of information. But they have been horrible at resurfacing the stock of past engagements with ideas and events. At its start <http://vox.com> had what seemed to me the very good idea of a kept-up-to-date “StoryStream”. Let me see if I can dust the idea off and actually make it work:
Macroeconomic Outlook:
My Inflation Outlook as of 2022-04-12 We
State of þe Macroeconomy
REVISITED: How Worried Should We Be About Rising Inflation?; & BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2023-02-07 Tu
Learning From Past Fights wiþ Inflation
Toward a Theory of þe Natural Rate of InflationSome sense of how much our “reopening” and now our “attack on Ukraine” supply shocks have raised the natural rate of inflation over the past two years would have been a great help in understanding; & BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2023-01-23 Mo
DRAFT: Þe First Inflation Problem of þe 21st Century
Þe New Inflation Picture
A High Five for Team The-Fed-Has-Got-This
When Will Interest Rates Stop Rising? Now Would Be Good
Contra Vince Reinhart: The Fed Has Done Very Well Indeed!
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