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NOTE TO SELF: China's Politburo Standing Committees since 1956...
Why do I have to make up a pretty little table of this for myself? Surely someone else has done this...
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I changed the layout a bit to make it easier to follow the characters, entrances, exits and speaking parts.
Thanks! The first thing I did was download it and color it to see if I could discern eras, continuities and discontinuities. It's fascinating. There was a bit of a break when Mao died, but a lot of overlapping into the 1980s and even the 1990s. I'm guessing that a lot of these guys were on the Long March together or came onboard shortly after WW2. Then came a clean break in 2002, no overlap whatever. Then came another clean break in 2012. I'm guessing no big break in 2022. Hu Jintao took over, but he took no allies with him. Xi Jinping seems to have taken Li Keqiang along.
I have no idea of what it all means.
P.S. When I was in Hobart in 2014, We took a gourmet food tour on a boat in the harbor. There was another couple on board with their son. Xi Jinping was taking the same tour the next week. We got the impression that the husband was some high level functionary checking out the tour. He was seasick the whole time which is a terrible thing to happen on a food tour. The things one does for one's party. Hey, his son got to pilot the boat for a bit, something he'll remember.