Þe Stomach of Mycenæan Civilization
An early Greek document, from the ruins of the Bronze Age palace in Pylos, Greece
Scribes of Pylos (–1177): Feast Preparation Memo: ‘Thus will they fatten fatted pigs,
the community officials:
Piswā, fatted pigs, 3
Metapā, fatted pigs, 3
Pethnos, fatted pigs, 6
Sphagiānes, fatted pigs, 2
Aphus, fatted pigs, 2
Agrēwā, fatted pigs, 2
Elatos, fatted pigs, 3
Kharadroi, fatted pigs, 2
Rhion, fatted pigs, 2
LINK: <https://englianos.wordpress.com/2018/08/30/linear-b-translated-py-cn-608/>
Planning for a 25-pig feast, with contributions levied from nine districts
This seems to imply that pigs were not turned loose in the forest in summer to brose for themselves to be slaughtered in the fall as in Medieval Britain
If I figure 8-10 people a pig, that's 200-250 people. Not a particularly large grouping, but I've also never heard any population estimations for um, ANY Mykenean metropolis.
can't have been that many