My weekly read-around...
ONE VIDEO: The Bel Air Fire of 1961:
ONE IMAGE: Property Insurance Costs Going Forward:
Very Briefly Noted:
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A video of a reading of Joan Didion's writing on the Santa Ana's
A rich collection today. More than I can possibly digest at the moment but I'm pleased to see Ramsey turn up among them. He is well remembered in some (mostly disjoint) circles. And "Nobody knows anything" is well articulated in several ways. It may bear repeating from time to time.
On the insurance side, I'll toss in One notices that the immediate reaction to environmental disaster is to suspend the very weak regulations currently in place, in the locations most evidently at risk. LA is firmly committed to opposing housing where it is needed, as well as facilitating construction where it is dangerous. Reasserted just the other day, to assure the locals that rebuilding for the rich will not somehow spill over to accommodating the lower classes.