"But perhaps there is a lesson here—not how close Chat-GPT comes to passing the Turing Test, but how close we are, in our daily life to flunking it."

I'm sure I've brought this up before, because it is one of my favourite Borges quotations: "the good reader is a rarer swan than the good writer."

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In legal academia, peer review is rare. Almost all law reviews are edited by second-year law students, who know very little. A lot of the selection depends on the prestige of the author's school. Since I'm retired, I try to bypass law reviews in favor of publishing on SSRN.

Allen Kamp,

Professor Emeritus, U.of Illinois Chicago Law

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When Trump was elected, I wrote a short piece that his election was about revenge on the revenge of the nerds. Trump, Musk and the guy driving around pretending that his soon to be electrified pickup truck was coal powered all wanted to dish the nerds who seemed to have been running everything. If the nerds wouldn't do, there are the "Asians", immigrants and, of course, always the Jews.

I forgot about the managerial class and the inertial power of autopilot at government chartered collectives. That was an earlier instantiation of what is now considered the generalized artificial intelligence problem. The tell was the paperclip example. We don't need artificial intelligence to have massive resources devoted to optimizing paperclip production at the expense of providing housing, medical care, food and so on. We have corporations and corporate management. It was exacerbated by neoliberalism, but it was already there. The side effects of corporations optimizing their profits made one appreciate Leontief's war time work optimizing military "paperclip" production - aircraft, tanks, munitions - while still getting everyone housed, fed and otherwise cared for. Those were never concerns of management.

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ChatGPT brings to mind the old adage, "Don't anthropomorphize computers. They hate that."

It also brings to mind Williams Syndrome and not the part about elfin appearance.

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