I am skeptical that McCarthy has a strategy. He's just stumbling from one thing to the next.

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When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

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¨But I do not really know—and if anybody really knows, they are not talking…¨

McCarthy doesn´t know. McCarthy is surviving.

¨Is McCarthy making this a vote of “no confidence” in the parliamentary sense¨

The problem is that we have a duopoly system and not a multi-party system. According to Republicans there would be a Red Wave and the Dems would be swept away leaving a huge Republican majority, as in a state government Mississippi or Texas. What actually happened was the election delivered a tiny majority of Not Democrats. There´s a pro-McCarthy majority of the Republican caucus that does not command an absolute majority of the House, a large Democratic minority and a tiny rump that comprises the Lunatic Neo-Confederate Fire-eater Caucus that mostly just wants to be on TV. That latter group hates Democrats, but they also hate Republicans, and essentially they just hate everybody. Their conception is that if they can bring down the Federal Government then they can somehow seize control and rule the ashes of the United States. Bringing down the federal government is not something they can pull off, and again, they just want to be on TV.

McCarthy is essentially trying to govern with a parliamentary minority plus some loons. Even McCarthy has limits, so he´s giving them their shot and they´ll lose the vote and we´ll be back at square one in 45 days. Essentially he´s having to limp through this parliamentary minority in the hope that the next election will deliver a REAL parliamentary majority and maybe a Republican Senate and President, and he can do the real thing he wants to do, whatever that is. God knows. I think he mostly just wants to be Speaker.

The rest is performative bullshit.


nobody knows what the real story is because the real story is right in front of our faces and basically too stupid to be believed

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The above was inadvertently posted while I was looking up the correct spelling of Sisyphus. Kevin McCarthy is trying to push that boulder up hill and the Chaos Caucus is tearing it back down. It certainly is absurd. Fratricide is sad, but Republican fratricide folks me with glee. Does this make me a bad person?

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Laughing at the misfortune of others. Schadenfreude be ashamed of harboring such an ignoble sentiment? :)

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And the big winner is... Putin!

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Apparently gridlock is not automatic. There is a speaker pro tempore. Don't know who that is, though. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/3/2197093/-What-happens-if-they-boot-McCarthy

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If I were McCarthy I really wouldn't want to take the blame for a recession under Biden's Presidency just because Gaetz wants to collect campaign contributions from arsonists. And why should Dem's trust any McCarthy in any secret agreement? The best we can hope for is stagnation over shutdown.

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How about The Myth of Sisphus

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