Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter of August 9th started with a potted history of access journalism in American presidential election coverage ("The idea that presidential campaigns should drag on for years is a relatively new one" etc.) Here is how she concluded:

"Yesterday, apparently chafing as the Harris-Walz campaign turns out huge crowds, Trump called reporters to his company’s Florida property, Mar-a-Lago. Those determined not to miss any twist of the campaign—and who had enough advance notice to make it to Florida—listened to him serve up his usual banquet of lies [...]. The journalists there did not ask him about the recent bombshell report suggesting that Egypt poured $10 million into his 2016 campaign.


In contrast, as presidential candidates, first Biden and now Harris have not appeared to bother with access journalism or courting established media. Instead, they have recalled an earlier time by turning directly to voters through social media and by articulating clear policies that support their dedication to the larger project of American democracy.

Yesterday, after journalists had begun to complain that they did not have enough access to Harris, she came to them directly on the tarmac at the Detroit airport and asked, “What’cha got?” All but one of their questions were about Trump and his comments; the one question that was not about Trump came when a journalist asked when Harris would sit down for an interview."

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Fiona Hill’s book “ There is nothing for you here” has a chilling account of her time on the NSC with an account of Trump and his acolytes behaviour reminiscent of a crazed Roman Emperor in the later days of the Empire. How the Republican Party allowed itself to become enslaved to this Pied Piper is beyond understanding.

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Hadn't the Republican Party been actively courting this exact end point for something like a whole generation? Nixon's Southern Strategy plus Reagan's "run the country like a business" schtick? It's their Frankenstein's monster, isn't it? Art of the Deal was a hit at the peak of Reagan's run. And Reagan wasn't a whole lot less insane and stupid than this guy...

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While the NYT has a problem, it may almost be irrelevant as it is not read by the Trump voters. Indeed, people on the IQ < 100 on the Bell-curve actually know very little, and talk just like Trump in their sphere of interest, but not expertise.

Ther4e was a interesting set of 5 interviews with Trump voters, stereotyptical MMAGAts and the nonsense they were saying was unbelievable, exceprt to themselves and presumably their friends and acquaintances. "Low information" voter hardly applies - they had negative information about reality.

If the examples Trump was spewing is any indication, they are probably lapping it up in their Fox echo chambers, all nodding "ditto-heads".

It was ever thus, but now we are approaching serious consequences if we again chose this man rather than a normal person.

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The reality is much worse and talking about the cognitive decline is avoiding the real story. He is a rapist, project 2025, business fraud, document stealing traitor, insurrectionist, ended Roe, huge deficit tax cuts, Covid deaths, etc. and he paid $130,000 and committed 34 felonies to hide that when Melania had a baby he had sex with Stormy D.

All this was when he had his marbles.

He is also a fascist and liar and racist. He wears makeup and a diaper.

If we talk about his cognitive decline we might start to feel sorry for him. Let’s not. And the rest of the GOP is as bad. Book banning, religion in public places, do nothing congress.

I can go on.

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A press conference is a press conference worth reporting if the questions asked by the press were answered. Journalists at the NYT figured that there were legit "answers." And so it was a "press conference." They then reported reported the "answers" in word salads. I am now waiting the NYT to say that since he has done a press conference -- a gratuitous press coverage -- she needs to do it too, in all "fairness." Journalists at the NYT have learnt iota -- if that -- from their own errors in 2016. They ought to be summarily let go and allowed to start their own silly non-informative newsletters. They are doing a disservice to the country -- once again!

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A quick nitpick: VAR’s “replacement player” concept is very much not “compared to other possible choices,” but instead represents a comparison to an imaginary “typical” farm-team call up; a replacement player is not at the average performance of the major leagues (those cost money, after all), but rather is a representation of what a team could get at zero opportunity cost. Replacement level is thus the quality of a warm body that fills the slot. Your particular comments on most topics are at least a little better than that.

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And Lawrence O’Donnell’s epic takedown of the “press conference “:


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I don't believe Tangerine Palpatine is crazy. I am thinking it's more dementia. Also, my intercessory prayers are not working.

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Pray not, but pity much. he deserves deep, enduring pity, but not much else.

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Trump thinks “asylum” means “coming from an insane asylum.” He doesn’t know there’s another meaning to the word.

And “I speak to the biggest crowds” + “That was the biggest crowd I’ve ever spoken to” = “That was the largest group of people ever assembled.” It would be nice if someone pointed out to him that that’s what he’s saying. But OMG you can’t do that because he won’t let you write down his lies anymore and that is apparently a fate worse than death.

His brain has completely turned to oatmeal, but as I’ve been saying all week, for some totally unexplainable reason our wealthy media class decided two or three weeks ago that actually they’re NOT board-certified geriatric neurologists and don’t have any business speculating on a presidential candidate’s mental acuity. I can’t imagine what might have happened to change their minds about that.

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Should Krugman still be at NYT? Should Noah still be at Xitter (definitely not, imo). Yes, they get many readers, but they could also move many readers. I guess they've wrestled with that, and I wonder how they decided to stay.

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If we don't look around on a regular basis, we may find ourselves patrons of a Nazi Bar, no longer recognizing the Nazi's, or ourselves, for what we are.

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