The root clearly set in with Bush v Gore. The court bowed to politics then and has continued down that anti-constitutional path.

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You mean the rot set in, right?

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Alito's argument is truly deranged. The whole point of a coup is to *overturn a democratic result*. It's impossible to "protect democracy" through immunity if the crime being committed is intended to destroy democracy. In consequence, if we can't preserve democracy via election the only alternative will be understood to be assassination.

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"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. & the rest of us are doomed to repeat it with them..."

A good contestant for greatest comment ever posted!.

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It was originally the caption of a New Yorker cartoon. Two "intellectuals" (you can tell because the wall behind them is a book case and they're both wearing corduroy jackets with elbow pads, as well as the long hair and beards), and one says, "Yes, it's true that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, but the rest of us are doomed to repeat it with them."

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At the suggestion of another commenter, I am reading Paxton's "The Anatomy of Fascism". In many ways, it is a better analysis than the 1948 Congressial Report on fascism. What concerns me is this is playing out exactly as authoritarians, including fascists, have done in teh past, and continue to do today, e.g. Hungary's Fidesz party, and the previous Polish government. In Nazi Germany, once Hitler was in power, the courts just towed his line ignoring established laws. I have no doubt that this is how the courts are operating in Russia today - they follow what Putin wants.

No wonder Trump wanted the SCOTUS to get involved in every case he could, including the insurrection and "Stop the Steal" actions. He was expecting loyalty from this court, especialy from the 3 justices he managed to install. That senior politicians like Sununu and McConnell also seem to support Trump despite his criminal behavior makes me wonder if he has some hold or threats over them. We know that MAGAts are threatening those involved in the voting process, especially the poll workers who are apparently quitting due to this. If the MAGAts wore brown or black shirts and worked as paramilitaries, the similarities would be complete.

The problem is that we don't fully understand why some fascist movements succeed while others fail. What we do know is that Trump and his enablers are doing a good job of following the successful ones, and the opposing party is failing to deal with this effectively. As the joke goes: "liberals go to a gun fight with a ladle."

What I don't understand is why Biden doesn't just pack the court now. Biden is also not doing himself any favors by supporting Israel with arms, especially if the ICC is investigating both Israeli and Hamas leaders for war crimes. Doesn't this make the US (and UK) complicit in any Israeli war crimes? [And if Democrats believe sending me many emails and texts every day will imrove their donations, they really need to hire a different set of consultants. They are not opposing the fascits in the US effectively. The approach is as clueless as the liberal establishment was in the early 20th century.]

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Dr DeLong: do you regard the US Supreme Court as “Fascist-Catholic”,or “Catholic-Fascist”?

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I'm not Brad but I'd identify them as Catholic Reactionaries. (Please see European history of same from about 1870 through ... well today.) Action Francais, the Dreyfus Affair, Orban, the losing side on the right in Germany in 20s and of course Austria, another bunch of losers to Nazis in the relevant period.)

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Thank you for giving credit to The New Yorker. I read it often , and am glad to give it credit for this line.

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So far as Republicans are concerned, it's illegal for a Democrat to take office and it must have been the result of vote stealing.

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What if the crime is really blatant, such as killing the first lady with a knife (or if Hillary had been elected, killing the first husband) Does a president still get immunity?

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But possibly only if it is related to presidential duties. Maybe if FLOTUS contradicted a presidential edict? ;-D

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There are many things of which misplaced faith in SCOTUS might be considered a manifestation. And my favorite is admittedly idiosyncratic. But I want to put out there that people naively believe that ultimately there is a THEY that will preserve us all from our basest instincts. Yeah, that ain't true.

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