Count me as one who thinks that at least some writers need editors. As examples, the later works of Stephen Jay Gould definitely needed editing and Jonathan Israel could use a good editor. And the lack of copy editors is, as Alan pointed out, increasingly obvious.
Perhaps the issue is knowing when you need an editor and knowing when you don't.
Count me as one who thinks that at least some writers need editors. As examples, the later works of Stephen Jay Gould definitely needed editing and Jonathan Israel could use a good editor. And the lack of copy editors is, as Alan pointed out, increasingly obvious.
Perhaps the issue is knowing when you need an editor and knowing when you don't.
Count me as one who thinks that at least some writers need editors. As examples, the later works of Stephen Jay Gould definitely needed editing and Jonathan Israel could use a good editor. And the lack of copy editors is, as Alan pointed out, increasingly obvious.
Perhaps the issue is knowing when you need an editor and knowing when you don't.