Re the China-bashing graph, headlined "Global Warming Is Now China-Driven, & a Problem for China to Solve," fails to mention China is doing more with climate-goodness renewables than anyone else on the planet, that the graph reflects the modernization path that every western country has gone thru.

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> Michael Metz: 'Re the China-bashing graph, headlined "Global Warming Is Now China-Driven, & a Problem for China to Solve," fails to mention China is doing more with climate-goodness renewables than anyone else on the planet, that the graph reflects the modernization path that every western country has gone thru... <https://braddelong.substack.com/p/biweekly-briefly-noted-for-2024-12/comment/80373580>

But that does not mean that reducing China's carbon emissions is not absolutely key to getting global warming under control. -B.

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Mother of All Bubbles

Lists some descriptions of the bubble but doesn't tell us how to act. Help!!!

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Help me with the reference "...protection against Christensenian disruption...." A quick internet search yields a reference to a footballer (soccer player in the U.S.) and that seems unlikely. There are a few economists with that last name but I don't grok the connection ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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found it: "How companies can prepare for tomorrow’s customers without losing their focus on today’s." by Joseph L. Bower and Clayton M. Christensen https://hbr.org/1995/01/disruptive-technologies-catching-the-wave

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His famous book is "The Innovator's Dilemma" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Innovator%27s_Dilemma

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Is the CO2 emissions chart adjusted for the actual consumption of the products? The US is a huge consumer of Chinese manufactures. Is the CO2 emitted for these imports to the US added to the US CO2 emissions, or is this chart a fair assessment of the CO2 emissions?

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Gramme Green; The introduction mentioned The Continental Hotel. I stayed in the Caravelle just across the street. 1967

I took a Google tour of Saigon and other major cities and wondered at what it looks like in the passing of years. Makes me think of the self goals we had done to ourselves and wonder why anyone would want our leadership. It is sad.

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I have two different responses to two different readings:

1. "Culture war" is a dreadful term, but has a precise meaning: the complex of racism, masculinism and ressentiment. I have almost never seen the term "culture war" used in any other sense, except maybe in biographies of Bismarck or the like. Despite the precision of the term, I'd rather call things by their proper name.

2. Much of the US disproportionate share of the world stock market is the US disproportionate fondness for public corporations. This is shared, AFAIK, with the UK and Japan, but not many other advanced industrial nations. The rest of the world is more likely to use closely-held firms, except maybe in their financial sectors.

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