Things that whizzed by today, & that I want to note & remember... First: Mike Konczal’s Freedom from the Market <> is a book you should get and read right now: Henry Farrell: Freedom from the Market: ‘Mike Konczal has a new book, Freedom from the Market <>… Polanyian—the stresses of the market lead to social rupture, which may in turn create the conditions for political mobilization. But Konczal doesn’t depict this as necessary or inevitable—pe
"Hayek on Hayek: An Autobiographical Dialogue (The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek)" by Leif Wenar, Stephen Kresge and wanted to share this quote with you.
"MR. KRUEGER: I foresee some interesting discussion here and some controversy. Your main assertion, Hayek, is that planning leads to totalitarianism. Are there any qualifications you make to that statement? MR. HAYEK: Surely, there are. In the way in which you use “planning” in this discussion, it is so vague as to be almost meaningless. You seem to call all government activity planning and assume that there are people who are against all government activity. MR. MERRIAM: In other words, you do not like the American use of the word “planning” and you are introducing another one? MR. HAYEK: I do not know about the American use, and I still doubt whether it is a general use. It is your use. MR. MERRIAM: Across the street from here is the American Society of Planning Officials, with about twelve hundred members. There are hundreds of city planning boards and forty-eight state planning boards, and all kinds of planning has been going on in Washington for the last fifteen or twenty years. If you do not know that, I am reminding you of it now—and straight. MR. HAYEK: I know that, but there are a good many people in America who oppose planning who do not mean by that opposition that they think that there ought not to be any government at all. They want to confine the government to certain functions. You know, I do agree that this discussion here, as elsewhere, has been very confused. What I was trying to point out is that there are two basic and alternative methods of ordering our affairs. There is, on the one hand, the method of relying upon competition, which, if it is to be made effective, requires a good deal of government activity directed toward making it effective and toward supplementing it where it cannot be made effective."
What is it about Hayek that leads to his positions constantly being miodsrepresented?
Wow this is a great collection !!! I'm so glad you brought Farrell on Konczal to my mind! With power out for 31 hours, meaning also internet (except my phone, which isn't as enjoyable), I fired up an old transistor radio to see if I could find anything useful, like when was power going to come back on. NPR station down, classical station down, college stations down. But the rest of the band was humming as if nothing happened. In fact on many stations, you couldn't tell, it was the same old program from some computer somewhere. Finally I toed into two talk radio stations, on AM then FM. It was utterly useless, no useable information, and almost impossible to bear for long because of the right wing posturing attitude. I endured nearly a whole hour to see if there would be some actual news, and in the end, nothing. The most I ever got was dumping on Bill Gates for talking about "shared sacrifice" but "those guyz never sacrifice anything." What did that have to do with multiple overlapping electrical grid failures caused by cheaping out on everything? Finally the college jazz station came back on. Seemingly playing a recorded program, but not driving me insane. Noah seems to miss that Silicon Valley billionaires lean strongly libertarian and oppose leftism, unions, and collectivism generally.
All the lies about wind power causing the rotating blackouts. Its just the politicians and opinion piece writers knowing which industry it is that butters their bread. To not do so would likely be career ending.
"Hayek on Hayek: An Autobiographical Dialogue (The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek)" by Leif Wenar, Stephen Kresge and wanted to share this quote with you.
"MR. KRUEGER: I foresee some interesting discussion here and some controversy. Your main assertion, Hayek, is that planning leads to totalitarianism. Are there any qualifications you make to that statement? MR. HAYEK: Surely, there are. In the way in which you use “planning” in this discussion, it is so vague as to be almost meaningless. You seem to call all government activity planning and assume that there are people who are against all government activity. MR. MERRIAM: In other words, you do not like the American use of the word “planning” and you are introducing another one? MR. HAYEK: I do not know about the American use, and I still doubt whether it is a general use. It is your use. MR. MERRIAM: Across the street from here is the American Society of Planning Officials, with about twelve hundred members. There are hundreds of city planning boards and forty-eight state planning boards, and all kinds of planning has been going on in Washington for the last fifteen or twenty years. If you do not know that, I am reminding you of it now—and straight. MR. HAYEK: I know that, but there are a good many people in America who oppose planning who do not mean by that opposition that they think that there ought not to be any government at all. They want to confine the government to certain functions. You know, I do agree that this discussion here, as elsewhere, has been very confused. What I was trying to point out is that there are two basic and alternative methods of ordering our affairs. There is, on the one hand, the method of relying upon competition, which, if it is to be made effective, requires a good deal of government activity directed toward making it effective and toward supplementing it where it cannot be made effective."
What is it about Hayek that leads to his positions constantly being miodsrepresented?
And the ads were about things like erectile dysfunction.
Wow this is a great collection !!! I'm so glad you brought Farrell on Konczal to my mind! With power out for 31 hours, meaning also internet (except my phone, which isn't as enjoyable), I fired up an old transistor radio to see if I could find anything useful, like when was power going to come back on. NPR station down, classical station down, college stations down. But the rest of the band was humming as if nothing happened. In fact on many stations, you couldn't tell, it was the same old program from some computer somewhere. Finally I toed into two talk radio stations, on AM then FM. It was utterly useless, no useable information, and almost impossible to bear for long because of the right wing posturing attitude. I endured nearly a whole hour to see if there would be some actual news, and in the end, nothing. The most I ever got was dumping on Bill Gates for talking about "shared sacrifice" but "those guyz never sacrifice anything." What did that have to do with multiple overlapping electrical grid failures caused by cheaping out on everything? Finally the college jazz station came back on. Seemingly playing a recorded program, but not driving me insane. Noah seems to miss that Silicon Valley billionaires lean strongly libertarian and oppose leftism, unions, and collectivism generally.
All the lies about wind power causing the rotating blackouts. Its just the politicians and opinion piece writers knowing which industry it is that butters their bread. To not do so would likely be career ending.