Things that went whizzing by that I want to remember... First: Brad DeLong: Meanwhile, what is “world reimagined” & why haven’t I watched it yet? Gautam Mukunda: Well it’s a podcast so you can’t watch it, but if you listened I think you’d love it! Season 2 launches on Tuesday with Rob S. Kaplan. We should get you on! We’ll have Noah Smith and Betsey Stevenson later this season, as well as John Dickerson and Stan McChrystal (among others). I should of course have included a link. Oops: <>.
The reference to the Rothschild quotation is puzzling. It is given by Bookstaber in a different form, with no sourcing, but with a context supplied. I do not see anything relating to it on the linked Wikipedia page.
The reference to the Rothschild quotation is puzzling. It is given by Bookstaber in a different form, with no sourcing, but with a context supplied. I do not see anything relating to it on the linked Wikipedia page.