Things that went whizzing by that I want to remember: First: The COVID Widows of Yosemite: I confess that I did not expect to meet COVID widows, scattering their late husbands’ ashes fifteen months after their deaths and sixteen months after they last saw them—as the hospitals’ attempts to stem the plague kept hospitalized patients in isolation. Damn everybody who has kept us from scotching this thing early by, you know, normal and appropriate plague-control measures. Damn them all.
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BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2021-07-23 Fr
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Things that went whizzing by that I want to remember: First: The COVID Widows of Yosemite: I confess that I did not expect to meet COVID widows, scattering their late husbands’ ashes fifteen months after their deaths and sixteen months after they last saw them—as the hospitals’ attempts to stem the plague kept hospitalized patients in isolation. Damn everybody who has kept us from scotching this thing early by, you know, normal and appropriate plague-control measures. Damn them all.