Regarding "shoveling money...", please forgive a self-centered comment here: my recent 4-week stay in a local hospital for unanticipated heart surgery was billed at .... $609K. Staggering. That's over $1,000/hour. And who pays? Medicare. And who funds Medicare? We all do. Mind you, I am grateful not to have to sell the house and live in a car, but surely, there could be some way to rein in prices and make actual costs more transparent.

Oh, and on Facebook, I vote for moral outrage instead of moral panic. As I am fond of saying, "don't panic now, there will always be time for that later."

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Very interesting paper by Victor Ray. I recall from my (brief) academic days that being referenced often in a citation index was an important sign of quality. The closest any sentence in the article comes to indicating "[Ray advocates] refusing to acknowledge in footnotes the research of those who hold distasteful views" is this line "Like the recent calls for inclusion riders in Hollywood to ensure minority representation, scholars and editors should take proactive measures to make sure researchers are citing relevant work by underrepresented scholars." which does not say it at all.

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