"That an FDR sized Presidency was unattainable does not mean that Biden has done a bad job."

It has been a pretty good job, but I think we can reduce his grade for letting Progressive aspirations get int the way of attainable reforms (Child Tax Credit, prescription), for not placing revenue increasing tax reforms at the heart of his BBB agenda, not cleaning house as the CDC/FDA, and leaving in place Trumps restrictions on legal immigration and his trade wars.

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I agree...

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Oh, and not asking Congress for resources to process asylum claims at the border.

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Touché. Yes.

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Biden just does not have enough neo-liberals among his advisors. :)

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The neoliberal credo [at least the World Bank version that I thought was orthodox] claims that markets work [reasonably] efficiently and that government attempts to constrain them via regulation and public spending [while necessary, can sometimes] fail, backfire, or are corrupted by politics.…. Neoliberalism has relied on [smart, cost-benefit based] regulation, privatization [of loss-making goods and services producing firms.] [not] weakened trade unions, [not] less progressive taxation] , and new trade rules [reducing government obstacles to importing and (especially for developing countries) exporting.] Nothing in this "credo" necessarily undermines Social Democracy.

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