CONDITION: Ahem!, Mr. Luce…:This is wrong:Ed Luce: US midterm elections: ‘Midterm defeats can upend US presidencies… sounded the death knell for the domestic agendas of Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama…. The 2022 race belongs in a class of its own. Roughly half the Republicans running for federal or statewide office believe the presidency was stolen from Donald Trump in 2020. That means America’s system itself is on the ballot next Tuesday…It is a lie to say that half the Republicans running for federal or state wide office believe the presidency was stolen from Donald Trump. Half the Republicans running for federal or state wide office knowingly falsely claim the presidency was stolen from Donald Trump. The difference between “believe” and “knowingly falsely claim” is not significant—in fact, it is very important.Ed should have written differently. And one of his editors should have kept him from printing an untruth.
Big brain AI gave them skull faces since logically they are already deceased. Or Stable Diffusion is just bad at faces.
Big-brain AI knows nothing but pixels and pixel patterns...