Self-locating uncertainty; Tories break the British economy; slow-moving banking crisis; Wiesenthal on how the economy is good, Hausmann on boosting exports step-by-step, Burke on the New York Time...
In the Sleeping Beauty problem there are three events to consider: (1) the heads wakeup, (2) the first tails wakeup, (3) the second tails wakeup. So, when she wakes up with no further info, it is twice as likely the coin was tails.
Sargent: Perhaps the judgement against Florida will be large enough to lead to DeSantis's recall, thereby making him and even better victim of "them" than Trump and so seal the nomination.
Deaton; Only sins of omission (maybe a few thoughts and words). 1) Not beating up the Fed for missing its inflation and employment targets 2008-2020. 2) Not screaming bloody murder at the creation of structural deficits by the GWB, and Trump tax cuts. 3) Not making merit-based immigration a huge economic issue. 4) letting Deaton be virtually the only economist who points out that our screwy employer provided health insurance system is a huge head tax on low wage workers.
ONE IMAGE: Breaking Britain: That is just tragic.
indeed it is...
It's interesting to compare Deaton's An Economist's Apology and Hardy's Mathematician's Apology.
In the Sleeping Beauty problem there are three events to consider: (1) the heads wakeup, (2) the first tails wakeup, (3) the second tails wakeup. So, when she wakes up with no further info, it is twice as likely the coin was tails.
Sargent: Perhaps the judgement against Florida will be large enough to lead to DeSantis's recall, thereby making him and even better victim of "them" than Trump and so seal the nomination.
Deaton; Only sins of omission (maybe a few thoughts and words). 1) Not beating up the Fed for missing its inflation and employment targets 2008-2020. 2) Not screaming bloody murder at the creation of structural deficits by the GWB, and Trump tax cuts. 3) Not making merit-based immigration a huge economic issue. 4) letting Deaton be virtually the only economist who points out that our screwy employer provided health insurance system is a huge head tax on low wage workers.
First Republic: they did not invest in variable rate instruments.
UK. What prevented BoE from making sure NGDP kept growing at trend rate after 2008?