Brainard: Democrats should accept on the corporate tax cuts if revenue is more than replaced with increases in personal income tax collections. Better still, impute all corporate income to owners and tax it there.

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Secretary Clinton could have been charged with violating record retention laws. While no one ever said that she could not use private email, the manner in which she used it was risky to the point of being stupid. Lemieux's bullet #4 regarding those risks fails the sniff test. You never know what you do not learn, and foreign agents are under no obligation to disclose what they have stolen. All we know is that an attempt to hack the server was discovered. We do not know if it was the only attempt to do so.

In my mind, the question raised by this bit of history is whether officials at the highest levels of government should ever have the right to hide their words or actions from government watchdogs. I can certainly imagine circumstances where it would be beneficial to the State. Perhaps that is why Secretary Clinton was "unable" to produce over two months of her messages when asked to do so.

The Wikileaks searchable archive of Secretary Clinton's emails may have been obtained from some other source than her server. Anyone who wants to read them can do so here: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/

The unclassified version of the Inspector General's report can be found in a number of places, including https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/document/21788-document-12

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Buerra et al: The abstract says nothing. I guess it could mean the need to maintain consistency in micro and macro reform policies. For example, trade reforms whose main effect was to reduce the relative prices of goods consumed by elites but without increasing exports and investment. Successful small-scale projects do not automatically scale.

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I think the server was also unencrypted and portions showed up on WikiLeaks.

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Krugman: I have a Substack on this, "Inflation: Two views. I'd love to see comments.

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The Republican Party is grounded in three bases: white supremacy, masculinism, and ressentiment (aka anti-Semitism.) This means that they try to emasculate male opponents (e.g., John Kerry) and transgender female opponents. The Ds managed to run three men who could resist emasculation: Clinton (a swordsman); Obama (ahem!); and goofy Uncle Joe Biden with the Corvette. I don't know what the formula is for resisting transgendering: the fate of Hillary.

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