Shorter Matty: Joe Biden is making choices that I, in my accelerating turn to conservatism (and a hoped-for slot on the WSJ opinion page roster) don't agree with (or just don't like), therefore I deem Biden's choices "untenable".

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"can I ethically give any of my U.C. Berkeley students less than an A in the future?"

It should be unethical to give all your students an 'A" grade. However, look at it another way. Your students clearly must differ in capabilities. Consider how the excellent student feels if their grade is no better than the rest of the class. It devalues their work.

IMO, it is just creating a moral hazard if all your students got 'A' grades and attend your classes knowing that.

Hold the line and keep the class grades averaging between B and C with you best students getting A's. Your excellent students will prefer this situation. [It might even deter the slackers with 'rent-a-moms' from signing up, saving you effort.] ;-)

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In the graphs about mortality and education, for me one state stands out, Ohio. Historically, unlike the other states suffering from the premature mortality crisis, was "Yankee" I.e. right on the correct side of the Civil War. Ohio was a prosperous manufacturing state when I was growing up in the Fifties and Sixties. Now days much of Ohio suffers from Appalachian levels of poverty due to the collapse of manufacturing.

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The Reagan/GWB deficits => tight money => Strong dollar => fall in relative prices of manufactured goods, have a lot to answer for.

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regarding non-college educated mortality, it is interesting to note that the states represented to fare the poorest are mid-western states (or nearby - TN, WV). These blue-collar workers are in agriculture, exposed to broadcast crop dusting, or are in the coal mines, thus exposed to significant toxin exposure over the course of their working career. It would be interesting to see where Louisiana is represented.

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When I took Rhetoric 1B with John Gage in 1976, he began the class by telling us he never gave A's and only one student would get an A-. I cursed the person who convinced me to take Rhetoric instead of English. I got a B.

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Noah Smith outdoes himself so often that I have to bang my head for not having subscribed to his substack yet.

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