Crawford: "... the dark arts of “behavior design,” which are sometimes turned to purposes that can only be called misanthropic."
Matt Yglesias has made the same observation about the taste of the Cheeto or the effects of fentanyl. The scope for intervention in markets -- both for paternalistic reasons and Pigou taxes/subsidies -- is increasing.
Crawford: "... the dark arts of “behavior design,” which are sometimes turned to purposes that can only be called misanthropic."
Matt Yglesias has made the same observation about the taste of the Cheeto or the effects of fentanyl. The scope for intervention in markets -- both for paternalistic reasons and Pigou taxes/subsidies -- is increasing.
Crawford: "... the dark arts of “behavior design,” which are sometimes turned to purposes that can only be called misanthropic."
Matt Yglesias has made the same observation about the taste of the Cheeto or the effects of fentanyl. The scope for intervention in markets -- both for paternalistic reasons and Pigou taxes/subsidies -- is increasing.