Fallows: ' not use “Democrat” as an adjective (rather than “Democratic”), in the routinely insulting way pioneered by Newt Gingrich'

The pedant strikes again: the phrase "Democrat party" is one I remember from my high school days, which ended in 1959.

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I wonder how this compares to the Chinese development in their AI program?

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"the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy" It is also false to claim this phrase includes all the letters of the alphabet because the phrase does not include the letter g.

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I suppose that mutual grooming in chimpanzees is mostly "social, reinforcement, [g]lue rather than" therapy, but must have an underlying basis in the benefits of removing parasites.

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Ah ha! “(g)lue” not “(b)lue.”. Must admit my brain has been stuck on blue and it was driving me mildly crazy. Thank you

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Chat-GPT like a lot of other AI is being designed for lazy people who don't want to do the hard work of learning and reading. I have no intention on going down that rabbit hole when there are so many other productive things to do.

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Noting that "full solution" is how your machine spells "false illusion." That gave me pause.

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"Erotic" for erratic was particularly unfortunate.

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Interest income is taxed. This is not very efficient

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