Nearly everything about what kinds of questions you should ask, and how you should frame them, is likely to undergo a sea-change. With spreadsheets and word processors back in the day, it was very...
It seems like Charlie Stross' laundry Novels that use arcane computations to invoke magic seems to be almost prescient wrt. prompt engineering. Get it wrong, and no magic. One would think that prompts that are simple should get similar results to a student asked a question in class. However, it seems that sometimes it acts more as if it has access to a cheat sheet or not. Maybe in 5 years we will have something more usable, but hopefully that will not require turning the planet Earth into computronium.
It seems like Charlie Stross' laundry Novels that use arcane computations to invoke magic seems to be almost prescient wrt. prompt engineering. Get it wrong, and no magic. One would think that prompts that are simple should get similar results to a student asked a question in class. However, it seems that sometimes it acts more as if it has access to a cheat sheet or not. Maybe in 5 years we will have something more usable, but hopefully that will not require turning the planet Earth into computronium.