Nice cartoon. Ada Palmer speaks, or ratther, has a god speak, of "small authors". Or rather, has her narrator report this while not properly understanding what is meant by the expression ... or rather, puts her readers in the position of imagining something of that sort, and then revising their understanding of it a few times as matters progress.

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Curran: Maybe people would not come up with 2% FAIT today, but if Bernanke-Yellin has not allowed inflation to undershoot 2% for a fricken decade they probably should.

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"The politics of inevitability" is perhaps the original sin of neoliberalism. I'll say this for Nichols, at least he has grasped his mistake. Mearsheimer and Sachs are still doubling down.

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Yes. People who are willing to mark their beliefs to market are very valuable. As for me, I see people's reactions to Putin as so much at variance with who I thought they were that I think "there are videos"...

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