Intriguing information about HCH's careen in China, though its' "funny" that there's no discussion of his later role in importing Chinese workers to South Africa, because black Africans refused to work in the mines for the wages that the mine owners thought were "fair", resulting, in part, in the "Pigtail" election in GB that brought in the Liberals after so many years. Also, like many others, I find your "the market giveth, and the market taketh away" line excrusiatingly unfunny. Listen to your critics!

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The idea that you need to go more into debt to solve a crisis of debt isn't obvious. Simons, Knight, and Fisher proposed the Chicago Plan with Fisher writing the seminal paper on the subject. Of course, FDR was one of the people who dreaded debt so he's on the Liq side. He also opposed Deposit Insurance because it was moral hazard on steroids. Once again, Simons, Knight, and Fisher got it right. But FDR was not an ideologue which was the leadership needed. Hayek and Schumpeter did support LIq but both were against deflation by 1938 I believe. But one major point is missing...both said they did not believe unemployment could go so high. When they saw this they changed their opinion of Liq. And both were supporters of a basic income. I notice FDR never gets put on the Liq list though he clearly was. Somehow, he can change his mind while no one else can. Also, any idiot can end up getting tossed into the Classic Liberal view no matter how asinine, But but leftists never toss in Stalin and Mao into their own camp. The Planned Economy team is led by Stalin and Mao. When you want a real planned economy they are what you get. The Welfare State is capitalist.

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