& BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2022-01-04 Tu: Condition: FREEZING: A hard freeze in Berkeley is NOT what I signed up for. I hope we brought the banana tree inside in time… First: Economic Creative Destruction in Los Angeles, 1989-1993: The stand-down from the Cold War was the first business cycle since the Great Depression to have even a semi-severe effect on Greater Los Angeles: IIRC, the regional unemployment rate rose by 4%-points. IIRC, half of the elevation was eliminated by, eventually, new industries other than aerospace moving in; and half by people moving out...
Oh, and regarding Covid:vaccinations, it could well be that Covid will literally kill off enough Republicans in Arizona, Georgia, and some other states to afford Democrats another 2 years of a Senate majority.
Regarding Winnie the Pooh, that's the perfect example of how a perfectly reasonable idea has been captured by the very powerful and rich to become more so. Not only is A.A. Milne long dead, so is Christopher Robin! (d. 1994). They don't need the income, they don't get the income, there is no incentive to create afforded by the loooong copyright period; so it's just a scam.
Regarding COVID and freedom:. The freedom to die a horrible death from an easily preventable illness is not a freedom Americans have traditional fight and died for.
Oh, and regarding Covid:vaccinations, it could well be that Covid will literally kill off enough Republicans in Arizona, Georgia, and some other states to afford Democrats another 2 years of a Senate majority.
Regarding Winnie the Pooh, that's the perfect example of how a perfectly reasonable idea has been captured by the very powerful and rich to become more so. Not only is A.A. Milne long dead, so is Christopher Robin! (d. 1994). They don't need the income, they don't get the income, there is no incentive to create afforded by the loooong copyright period; so it's just a scam.
Regarding COVID and freedom:. The freedom to die a horrible death from an easily preventable illness is not a freedom Americans have traditional fight and died for.