Catallaxy? New word to me. Is that the word we use when we want to say "economy" but make fun of righties at the same time?

Re Margaret Sullivan's piece: James Fallows has a useful reflection on his Substack "Breaking the News": https://fallows.substack.com/p/there-are-only-five-media-stories?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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"Shifting the narrative around the clean transition is critical to driving more adoption and greater investment." It SHOULD. It implies that the integral of the function o the optimal tax on CO2 emissions is smaller. In turn, that SHOULD reduce opposition to the tax or it's dual. Whether it does, or not depends on the political messaging: less paint thrown on fewer art works, fewer lumps of coal brandished about in fewer parliaments.

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Well, yes...

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Running Primary deficits; Way beyond my technical capacity (even back in 1072 when my PhD was fresh, but neo-classical me guesses that this is possible becasue deficits finance investments with NPV=>1

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