You form a judgment -- "I don't the VAR there" -- about Wilson based on a comment by Loury. This is a waste of your time and ours. Please resist the compulsion to opine on everything under the sun, and stick to the many topics about which you have genuinely useful knowledge.
You form a judgment -- "I don't the VAR there" -- about Wilson based on a comment by Loury. This is a waste of your time and ours. Please resist the compulsion to opine on everything under the sun, and stick to the many topics about which you have genuinely useful knowledge.
I cut off the end. Of my own post. Should continued (gumment) diatribe, but instead the book offers an insightful analysis of where bureaucracy succeeds/fails, and why.
You form a judgment -- "I don't the VAR there" -- about Wilson based on a comment by Loury. This is a waste of your time and ours. Please resist the compulsion to opine on everything under the sun, and stick to the many topics about which you have genuinely useful knowledge.
I illustrate my judgment that Wilson is **way** overrated by handing the mic to Loury. I did not form it that way. Capisce?
I guess I donтАЩt know exactly how high Wilson is тАЬrated,тАЭ but I thought тАЬBureaucracyтАЭ a pretty good book. I sort-of expected an anti-gumment
I think you are right: I had forgotten about "Bureaucracy". It is very good. Brad
I cut off the end. Of my own post. Should continued (gumment) diatribe, but instead the book offers an insightful analysis of where bureaucracy succeeds/fails, and why.
& I confess that outside of "Bureaucracy", so far I ain't getting much...