The really much more important question is whether you explain the “thorn” typography or whether they have enough non-instrumental intellectual curiosity to figure it out on their own. Ye Olde Pedagogic Conundrum.

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Coyotes...got them out here as well. Very immune to intimidation.

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All over the world there are feral dogs. In North America the public authorities don’t allow this. The ecological niche defaults to another canid, L. laterns.

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Thanks for sharing the Brenda article. Not sure an AI-assisted job is something to look forward to.

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Hmmm. A president of a company spends all his time Tweeting and shareholders start wondering who's running the company...where have I seen that before? Where?🤔

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We have those here too. They come into the neighborhoods from Rock Creek Park, though not as frequently as deer.

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El Erian (Trying to ignore the Dephic pose) The Fed did not "mischaracterize" inflation in early 2021 as temporary, it just did not act soon and vigorously enough to MAKE it more temporary than is has been.

Separate issue: what is the optimal target? Well, it is a function of the mean shock (changes in real supply and demand that require changes in relative prices) and the ease with which prices can adjust, taking account that some prices are inflexible downward. Have prices become more or less flexible? Have average shocks become larger or smaller? TIPS seme to think that 2% is still OK, but it would be fine for the Fed to have a look, but not before at least trying to get back down to 2% with full employment. But whatever the target the Fed needs to be willing to engineer temporary above target inflation for above expected shocks, as much as it takes and no more. Will they make mistakes? Yes, but what else should they strive for?

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