Offhand it sounds like something is off in Safari (or ads?).

Anyway I think you've discovered that g (or whatever) is affected by alcohol consumption. I suppose resistance to alcohol is one version of g. Maybe an important one even.

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Brad, I'd be interested in light you could shine on the following.


"A Feb. 25 op-ed in The Los Angeles Times by Jeff Rogg, “The C.I.A. has backed Ukrainian insurgents before — Let’s learn from those mistakes,” cites a C.I.A. program to train Ukrainian nationalists as insurgents to fight the Russians that began in 2015 and compares it with a similar effort by Truman’s C.I.A. in Ukraine that began in 1949.

By 1950, one year in, “U.S. officers involved in the program knew they were fighting a losing battle. … In the first U.S.-backed insurgency, according to top secret documents later declassified, American officials intended to use the Ukrainians as a proxy force to bleed the Soviet Union.” This op-ed cites John Ranelagh, a historian of the C.I.A., who argued that the program “demonstrated a cold ruthlessness” because the Ukrainian resistance had no hope of success, and so “America was in effect encouraging Ukrainians to go to their deaths.”"

"In his LA Times op-ed, Rogg calls the 1949 C.I.A. program in Ukraine a “mistake” and asks the question, “This time, is the primary goal of the paramilitary program to help Ukrainians liberate their country or to weaken Russia over the course of a long insurgency that will undoubtedly cost as many Ukrainian lives as Russian lives, if not more?”"

Is Biden promenading Zelensky to play Russia? Or is Putin letting Zelensky keep hero posing to encourage Biden to over sanction thus letting Putin say he was forced to break with the West and cozy up to China? Or ???

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