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You ducked the 'What to Do" question appropriately but at the expenses of its dual, explaining why the Social Democracy/shotgun a marriage of Hayek and Polanyi was unstable.

Hypotheses for those articles:

1. Worked only so long as there was tangible growth in median voter market income.

2. Instruments of redistribution became more costly in terms of growth (Mancur Olsen)

3. The target of redistribution (or perception thereof) shifted to lower income voters.

In terms of the 1870 view, could the story be told in the change in investments going into producing technology. You see I still hanker for an explicitly production function. 2^0.5 is not implausible but I'd like to see it as an explicit parameter.

Does the accumulation wealth of monasteries (whose membership does not increase exponentially) provide evidence/example of the Malthusian Trap?

Do you need an explicit theory of of the Demographic Transition?

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