If one follows the links about that Yaneer Bar-Yam mention that "just released study shows that the virus remains active in many organs of the body", one gets to https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1139035/v1

It's a pre-print; peer review may have things to say. If any of its major conclusions are substantially correct, Premier Xi's zero covid policy is completely correct. Prescient and wise, even.

Couple obvious things: it'd be good to have a larger version of this study. Secondly, it strongly implies that the "less likely to infect lung tissue" finding about Omicron is not any way good news.

I continue to be astonished at how uniformly the mammonite voices for profits on top of the corpse pile -- well, corpse piles, the current actual corpse pile and the vastly growing spectral corpse pile of the rising seas and agricultural collapse -- are oblivious to their own need for mercy.

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Does anyone else see Jonathan Cohn's remarks about Manchin's "scaled back legislation" as a bit naive? I don't think he will vote for anything; he will find a way to say 'no' to any counter-proposal.

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