Thank you for this installment! I like the idea of shows about Dune and the Foundation Trilogy!! Brad, can you please post the link to Bob Greenstein's piece on the actual score of Build Back Better? Thanks again.

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Dune Bugs.

Not touched upon in the podcast was the issue of the Tleilaxu culture. In particular, their technology could restore vision with artificial eyes. IIRC, there was suspicion that accepting this gift would result in some loss of control to the Tleilaxu. Dune was written before microprocessors were invented and became the most important technological artifact of the next half-century. It has renewed significance in that there has been suspicion that nations use their designs and software to spy on other nations. The Huawei 5G issue even triggered a major spat with China. I suspect Japan was the model for Tleilax in the 1960s, but would perhaps now be China.

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