I visualize Vance writing this in a dark suit with a Nazi armband. Who is ne kidding? The garden analogy he uses is that the flowers are Whites, and te weeds are everyone else. The soil needs to be replaced is Christianity as central. Imagine if he said "the Aryan volk".

Perter Sellers did a far better garden analogy as Chance, the gardener, in the movie "Being There".

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I am afraid J.D. Vance’s piece reads quite well and you did him a favour by disseminating it.

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Au contraire! Brad is doing us a service by inviting us to read exactly what Vance wrote.

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I mean, in a way it would be funny to take this apart line by line, but Vance is such a lightweight that it hardly seems worth the bother. I think Brad has done well to respect the intelligence of his readers.

I can't quite resist that conclusion though. Circle the jerks and load the AR-15s! How could we have been so foolish as to think the government should get out of the way? Its proper function is to police correct thought and inspect children's genitals! Exactly as the holy founders intended!

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I would like Brad to post more such pieces that read well and illuminate the weirdness. And in doing so it serves two other functions: 1) Shows us what's really marinating in someone's brain, nevermind their credentials 2) As Molly Ivins reminded us, oh so long ago, "So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce." Like so many others, I miss Molly. It would've been a hoot to have her around now.

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Thanks. Writing JD Vance forwards seems like exactly the thing LLMs are best at. It's startling that the book is supposed to be even worse.

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Woe is me, woe is you, metaphor, metaphor.

Fie on't! O fie! 'tis an unweeded garden,

That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature

Possess it merely

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<i>In the fights that lay ahead,</i>

Lay ahead??

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So is this a book on gardening or forest management or what?

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As an avid gardener I can confidently say that it is not even one of those.

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