Exactly! Why don't the people who click "like" on my comments on other people's substacks [whine!] just subscribe to mine? And why don't more of my pitifully few subscribers [whine!] comment? :)

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I have been following the trial of a man in the Court of Emotion that is the Social Internet. In the court, accusations are made to the jury of the Plaintiffs friends and followers. The lesson is to be very respectful of a woman making claims about a man who may or may not have had anything to do with the incident. It is interesting to compare the rules in a court of law with those in the court of emotion. Take care getting involved with the court of emotion.

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From the audience side of Grasping, I add this last line too the poem:

..... Posting and lurking and lurking and posting is good life on Grasping to me.

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