Is it Keynes or I that have the problem? I find his sentences stuffed with more concepts/ideas than my poor peabrain can decipher. I suffer from NASA brain where you don't put more than 3 points on a slide.

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I found the same thing reading The General Theory. I had to go back over sentences and paragraphs several times in some spots to make sure I understood what he was saying. Essays in Persuasion, which was a compilation of newspaper columns he wrote, is easier to digest.

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"We reach a condition where there is a shortage of houses, but where nevertheless no one can afford to live in the houses that there are." Sounds familiar!

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“We reach a condition where there is a shortage of houses, but where nevertheless no one can afford to live in the houses that there are. “ At this point, I wasn’t sure if I was still reading Keynes or something Brad DeLong wrote in ‘07. This was exactly the situation by 2005 in the Bay Area.

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And we’re getting back to that point.

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