Hopefully you will get kinder reviews. If I had a platform, I would certainly provide a favorable review, although I'm only one third through the book. It is everything you promised in the excerpts which you have posted on Grasping Reality over the years. Bon Chance!
In the matter of "confidence about things no one can possibly know", would it be rude of me to suggest that Solow was wrong about the inevitability of America balancing her trade? Dollar seigniorage has continued unabated these last 30 years, and the bond vigilantes got dry-gulched en route. And it does seem that the passages in Cohen & Zysman subjected to special criticism have been validated in retrospect.
I chose "dry-gulch" to match "bond vigilante", redolent of the mythology of the American west. Is it not obvious why "dry-gulch" is peculiarly American vernacular? In most places where English is the primary language, the gulches are wet year-round. Think how inconvenient it would be to have to ambush someone in a wet gulch! And why would your victim be traveling there in the first place?
Hopefully you will get kinder reviews. If I had a platform, I would certainly provide a favorable review, although I'm only one third through the book. It is everything you promised in the excerpts which you have posted on Grasping Reality over the years. Bon Chance!
In the matter of "confidence about things no one can possibly know", would it be rude of me to suggest that Solow was wrong about the inevitability of America balancing her trade? Dollar seigniorage has continued unabated these last 30 years, and the bond vigilantes got dry-gulched en route. And it does seem that the passages in Cohen & Zysman subjected to special criticism have been validated in retrospect.
Indeed. Touché…
“Dry-gulched”. What a word. Would it be more pleasant to be “wet-gulched”?
I chose "dry-gulch" to match "bond vigilante", redolent of the mythology of the American west. Is it not obvious why "dry-gulch" is peculiarly American vernacular? In most places where English is the primary language, the gulches are wet year-round. Think how inconvenient it would be to have to ambush someone in a wet gulch! And why would your victim be traveling there in the first place?
Let's hope someone asks Solow ( @98 !) to review Slouching.