I'm just a retired English teacher of very little brain, never getting closer to Haaaaahvahd than visiting my grandkids in Somerville, but it ain't so little that I don't recognize this as stupid stuff: "What's the VAR of Louis Agassiz?" What this idiot wants to know are who are the brilliant conservatives whom Harvard should hire & whose books I should read?
I'm just a retired English teacher of very little brain, never getting closer to Haaaaahvahd than visiting my grandkids in Somerville, but it ain't so little that I don't recognize this as stupid stuff: "What's the VAR of Louis Agassiz?" What this idiot wants to know are who are the brilliant conservatives whom Harvard should hire & whose books I should read?
I'm just a retired English teacher of very little brain, never getting closer to Haaaaahvahd than visiting my grandkids in Somerville, but it ain't so little that I don't recognize this as stupid stuff: "What's the VAR of Louis Agassiz?" What this idiot wants to know are who are the brilliant conservatives whom Harvard should hire & whose books I should read?