My reaction (on a quick reading) is that that's rather a lot about Rome, and I think your point (as far as the book itself is concerned) may be buried. I like the last paragraph. I wonder a bit if it could be the first paragraph.

I don't actually need very much persuasion to read more Jo Walton (though I do need more time). Would it be possible to say a bit more about her virtues as a writer in general and those of the book in particular, and worry less or not at all about spoilers till the following draft?

I believe I see the framing of that discussion here, but not the actual discussion.

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What glc said.

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I enjoy thinking about Actium going the other way, the Empire getting divided four centuries sooner and If Christianity could have made it to the West across the cultural/political border or maybe have been brought by Arian Goths ....

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