In which I turn my gaze inward, & then survey things that whizzed by... First, why the weblogging Renaissance under the guise of SubStacking?: What Does SubStack Say That Its Mission Is?: Hamish McKenzie: Welcome, Facebook and Twitter. Seriously: [When] we started Substack… we were concerned about… the attention economy…. Our addiction to social media is having negative effects on both individual and collective thought… doomscrolling… rage-monsters… conspiracy theory-addled mob[s]… pois
Maybe it’s Safari on iPhone that doesn’t work.... I pay the Substack subscription, I receive the email, I use the email link to open the post, it shows my account logged in. If I try to comment or like I am blocked and either stuck or sent on a loop to login again. Old weblogs were not like this 🙁
On the other hand it seems to work seamlessly with Chrome on a PC, but that is not where I want to use it.
Maybe it’s Safari on iPhone that doesn’t work.... I pay the Substack subscription, I receive the email, I use the email link to open the post, it shows my account logged in. If I try to comment or like I am blocked and either stuck or sent on a loop to login again. Old weblogs were not like this 🙁
On the other hand it seems to work seamlessly with Chrome on a PC, but that is not where I want to use it.