Aug 16Edited

RE: Vance as a REMF. I have to admit I spent my military career as a REMF. Too young for Vietnam, too old for the War on Terror. I recall Robert Heinlein wrote an SF novel once "The Glory Road." The hero was a veteran. He noted there are two departments in the military: the Fairy Godmother Department and the Practical Joke Department. Sometimes your personnel file ends up in one department, sometimes the other. With the benefit of hindsight, I can now see that for me, it was Fairy Godmother all the way. So if you're a REMF like Vance, you should count your blessings and keep your mouth shut.

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Yet Another Reminder (thanks, Mr Vance!) that Cadet Bone Spurs HAS a guiding principle. And that it’s

“When you’re rich they let you do it”

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"New convenience-store Catholic JD Vance is majorly creeped out by parochial schools:"

Alternate wording.

Bowman aka Hamel aka Vance, a professed Catholic convert, although not married in a Catholic ceremony, to a Hindu woman, apparently calls for Nuns to either not teach children or violate their vows.

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We have poor economic reporting.

For example, US and EU inflation rates are very similar.

And, people are very gullible.

Do you think food price inflation is due to people eating more food because of the federal budget?

C'mon, food price inflation is not due to demand, but to supply and world commodity prices.

There is much evidence that food price increases are due to climate change. But, you never hear that either.

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He just told the whole world on live teevee. Will be interesting to see if the national political press can report on what was right in front of them, or if they will clean-and-rewrite even that epic failure in order to preserve "balance".

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It all sounds like Abe Simpson's "So I tied an onion to my belt" story, if it were full of malice and vainglory. His unscripted speech defies summarization. If one quotes any sentence, it sounds out of context because there is no context, only malice and vainglory.

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I was a Rear Area MF in Vietnam.

Bill Mauldin had a great cartoon on RAMF's. I can't find it now via the Google. His book "Up Front" is somewhere in our book cases. Too bad I can't link to a cartoon that speaks to the issue.

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