At some point in the lecture I suppose you'll get around to what you regret leaving out and where it has been addressed, in the vein of recent comments.

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My recommendation of your next topic would be what we just discussed: how to revive the vitality and "social power", to use your excellent term, of our middle class? You rightly urged full employment, but is that going to be enough or should it be paired with micro programs? If so, what is your take on the micro programs that best benefit from full employment? I devoured Ch. 24 of the General Theory. Wally Knox ((Hi from Anna))

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I confess I do not (yet) have good answers to that question...

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I've always been surprised tat Scott Aaronson-- Scott Aaronson! -- could be troubled by trollist commentators. I'm happy to see him coming to disdain them. My only quibble is that HE has nothing to lose (except time he could be spending inventing quantum supremacy) by going down into the river and slaying a few of the pseudo-crocodiles; they are really just disguised goldfish.

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Required Reading...Michael Oakeshott "The Political Economy of Freedom." Isadore Twersky "Some Aspects of the Jewish Attitude Towards the Welfare State."

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Inflation expectations: I'm not sure that "household" expectations, at least as measured by self reporting, are the relevant variable, either. Janet really needs to just give us the intermediate tenor TIPS to examine this.

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I do not know what the lectures are supposed be about. What _I_ want to hear more about is how (if?) the "Neoliberal turn" in fact undermined the rapid increase in average proceptivity of the previous 30 years. Or did it just prevent a proper response to the increase in relative price of energy.

_I_ particularly want to know about this becasue MY view of what Neo-liberalism was supposed to be about was to cement and fine tune the rapid increase in productivity/average incomes and diffuse these policies to the developing world.

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Can we get Bryce Elder to offer a master class in trolling? That would be awesome.

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