Things that went whizzing by that I want to remember: First: I find myself genuinely of two minds about this <>, from the very smart Jamelle Bouie. Yes, there is no such thing as idle presidential rhetoric. Yes, Bill Clinton took a cheap shot at Sister Souljah. Yes, I do not expect the very smart Jamelle Bouie to support the idea that other politicians should emulate Clinton here, or for Jamelle to approve, or for Jamelle to forget. But there is much more here than Jamelle’s recounting presents. Yes, Sister Souljah did say something very stupid—although she claims this is out of context...
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The "Sister Souljah" Moment, in Reality; …
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Things that went whizzing by that I want to remember: First: I find myself genuinely of two minds about this <>, from the very smart Jamelle Bouie. Yes, there is no such thing as idle presidential rhetoric. Yes, Bill Clinton took a cheap shot at Sister Souljah. Yes, I do not expect the very smart Jamelle Bouie to support the idea that other politicians should emulate Clinton here, or for Jamelle to approve, or for Jamelle to forget. But there is much more here than Jamelle’s recounting presents. Yes, Sister Souljah did say something very stupid—although she claims this is out of context...