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I've had good luck with books which you've mentioned in your blog/Substack. However, I'm passing on Llewellyn-Jones book. The view of Persian civilization, and others east of the Suez, as exotic has certainly pervaded Western thought. It has influenced scholarship, popular culture, and government policy. Witness the roasting of Friedman, in your subsequent paragraphs. It occurs to me, that a part of the Greek characterization of Persians as lusty origin originates with the inappropriate object, in Greek eyes, of their lust, I.e. Females.

BTW, thoroughly enjoying Shirer's The Collapse of the Third Republic which you recommended some time ago. There are some disquieting parallels between France of the Twenties and Thirties and the contemporary United States. Happily, unlike France and the UK, we stood up to a megalomaniac dictator waging an aggressive war.

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