Having decided that I don't want to retire bald, I have long stopped reading economics commentary by Bloomberg writers. Other people's preferences may differ.

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I think Brian Beutler is missing some connections on the Right: national defense hawkishness, Christian moralism, and contempt for the New Deal unite all 3 factions: "Christians" were hawkish because Russia was atheist/communist; "Christians" oppose government aid because that interferes with God's signs of grace and the divinely instituted social order. "Libertarians hated communism, obviously, and reject majority rule as interfering with "freedom". And, of course, all three had no use for, often outright opposition to, civil rights.

In this milieu, it was easy to substitute hatred of immigrants for defense hawkishness because (1) Russia is now a (pseudo) Christian and (genuine) authoritarian system, and all 3 factions prefer authoritarian governments to democracy; and (2) immigrants are simply more of "those people" and undermine the libertarian ideal of ending the New Deal and the "Christian" ideal of a Protestant theocracy.

That doesn't mean there aren't fault lines in these factions, but there's still plenty to agree on.

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I love that Roberts is careful to advertise his possession of a doctorate. That will surely carry a lot of weight with MAGA voters and donors alike!

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Black Pepper is the top of the spices level video: Anyone who thinks this isn't bringing the joy back has to be weird, perhaps even creepy. This is the type of video friends send to their friends, with the expectation that it will be passed further. If I may, people should actively search for online videos or published articles of what Walz's students are saying about him decades later. Most of us would be lucky to have earned even a small fraction of that amount of goodwill.

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