Youtube wants to send me to the nuthouse; no, we do not have a wage-price spiral; our slow-motion banking crisis; Sipahutar on riding the AI wave, Levine on forcing banks into a mark-to-market acco...
On that ONE VIDEO: The number of people who visit the nuthouse is astonishing. By nuthouse I also mean the large following of the investment newsletter business. I was subscribed involuntarily and still get some of their stuff, despite vociferously unsubscribing. I know that Ken Rogoff had speaking engagements and interviews with some of these folk back during the austerity mania. I heard them back then. It was painful. These folk can be entertaining, sometimes even logical, but the premise is usually all wrong (and frankly, too self-serving). I'm not as worried about them; they've been around a while. What worries me are the well-meaning people who are now shouting that the Fed has made a big mistake and continue to reiterate that message despite flimsy evidence. They also allege that the Fed suffers from group think (again without evidence). That publicly boosts the nuthouse folk. And you know that they want to be on the Fed Board, to "diversify viewpoints" if you will. What they really want eventually is to tether us to scarce and shiny "barbaric" metals. So, to those who insist that the Fed has bungled massively and needs a shakedown, I will say this: we want our monetary policy to be made by a Federal Reserve, not Metallica.
No, the Fed made only a small mistake, waiting from Sep '21 to March '22 before starting to raise the FF rate. Moving sooner would have meant not having to have gone so high. But NOW they may be making a big mistake. And they should look at the TIPS that thinks they have or will go too far, too fast in trying to bring inflation back to target.
On that ONE VIDEO: The number of people who visit the nuthouse is astonishing. By nuthouse I also mean the large following of the investment newsletter business. I was subscribed involuntarily and still get some of their stuff, despite vociferously unsubscribing. I know that Ken Rogoff had speaking engagements and interviews with some of these folk back during the austerity mania. I heard them back then. It was painful. These folk can be entertaining, sometimes even logical, but the premise is usually all wrong (and frankly, too self-serving). I'm not as worried about them; they've been around a while. What worries me are the well-meaning people who are now shouting that the Fed has made a big mistake and continue to reiterate that message despite flimsy evidence. They also allege that the Fed suffers from group think (again without evidence). That publicly boosts the nuthouse folk. And you know that they want to be on the Fed Board, to "diversify viewpoints" if you will. What they really want eventually is to tether us to scarce and shiny "barbaric" metals. So, to those who insist that the Fed has bungled massively and needs a shakedown, I will say this: we want our monetary policy to be made by a Federal Reserve, not Metallica.
No, the Fed made only a small mistake, waiting from Sep '21 to March '22 before starting to raise the FF rate. Moving sooner would have meant not having to have gone so high. But NOW they may be making a big mistake. And they should look at the TIPS that thinks they have or will go too far, too fast in trying to bring inflation back to target.
Shouldn't we photoshop/AI Chatbot Noriel Roubini into that You Tube video?
Cities: Smarter [=cost benefit] land use regulations and building codes, congestion taxes on vehicular traffic. dynamically priced parking fees.
How many weeks are we into the dank deposit reorganization and still folks are confusing term transformation risk with interest rate mismatch risk?