Back a couple of years ago I read of NVIDIA's plans for expansion in San Jose. My son in law was working on the completion of the "Apple flying Saucer" at the time as a facility engineer. I told him to apply for a job with NVIDIA. He didn't, but, he did buy NVIDIA stock. That may have been why he could buy a 4M house in Saratoga.

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I am concerned about how incorrect some of these AIs are. Google's Gemini in the search results and Amazon's Alexa assistant repeatedly provide incorrect answers to questions that should be known. I have seen answers with the wrong units, and Alexa seems to pick answers "From a comment". Very untrustworthy. Given how people seem to unquestionably quote these sorts of answers in blog comments, this is not good.

If this is not solved, then we will enter the "trough of disillusionment" and stock prices will decline.

When has "This time really is different" ever proven correct?

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Maybe I am reading this wrong, but this seems bullish for NVIDIA, until the dam breaks, and no sign of that yet.

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One reason I would not count Apple out is that historically they have focused pretty relentlessly on finding a killer app that users find easy to use, and enjoy using. For instance, I am told that Google and Amazon's voice assistants _akshually!_ are much better than Siri. But Siri is the one I use, because I intuitively figured out how to use it for things like turning the lights on and off without getting out of bed to flip a switch, or setting a timer while cooking. I didn't have to read some tutorial on exactly how to phrase things, it _just works_. "Just works" has always been Apple's special sauce that gets users to buy into their walled garden.

So far, as noted in the quoted article, most attempts by other companies to sell me on AI have _utterly failed_. They are annoying and intrusive, and mostly I want to turn them off. If Apple can deliver a product that cutting edge data scientists consider less technically sophisticated, but the average monied consumer sees as functional, they may clean up. Especially if their back-end cost to deliver the service is systematically lower because they're focused on lowering the number of watt-hours spent on each interaction.

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It's not a bubble if AI can bring something new to the economy that wasn't possible before. I think it's early innings still.

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i don't quite follow the math/reasoning of the -$0.67 net value loss? maybe i need a second coffee...

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