Regarding Vox' sad story:. (BTW This app's editing features suck). Your alternatives boil down to mission, money, and tech-bro. A useful framework for analyzing these cases might be the Yugoslav experiment with worker self-managed enterprises. Capital markets do not seriously constrain startups initially. Mission driven startups require a charismatic founder, e.g. Steve Jobs. Money grubbing startups require founders principally motivated by money. Jobs probably left a lot of money on the table by refusing to licence the Mac OS. Bill Gates had no such inhibition about widely licencing DOS/Windows system. Tech-bro is best conceived of as a post graduate floating fraternity party. E.g. SBF and TFX.

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Yes: Mission-oriented, money-oriented, and TechBro is a nice summary way to put it.

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The only question is what makes the rate of change of Ideas/technology change?

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But even without an élite of thugs with spears, wouldn't the result have been slightly more people living in exactly the same level of misery?

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Honestly, I get the impression that a big part of the future of crypto will be evading capital controls.

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