I think that Brad is being a bit too kind to financial-services-aware-Republicans. They are sophisticated enough to know that financial services require the appearance of strict regulation. But they are, uh, Republicans. They don't really believe in regulation, and hateHATE supervision. (I'll make the usual exception for Sheila Bair.)
I think that Brad is being a bit too kind to financial-services-aware-Republicans. They are sophisticated enough to know that financial services require the appearance of strict regulation. But they are, uh, Republicans. They don't really believe in regulation, and hateHATE supervision. (I'll make the usual exception for Sheila Bair.)
Captain Renault is their model bank supervisor. But they'll take anybody who can keep the kayfabe going.
I think that Brad is being a bit too kind to financial-services-aware-Republicans. They are sophisticated enough to know that financial services require the appearance of strict regulation. But they are, uh, Republicans. They don't really believe in regulation, and hateHATE supervision. (I'll make the usual exception for Sheila Bair.)
Captain Renault is their model bank supervisor. But they'll take anybody who can keep the kayfabe going.